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Fit Holidays будет представлен в павильоне Бахчесарая. Казахстанская международная выставка KITF проводится с 2001 года. Экспозиция является самой крупной профессиональной площадкой по туризму в Центральной Азии и главным событием туротрасли страны. Экспертами выставочной индустрии KITF присвоен знак качества UFI (Всемирная ассоциация выставочной индустрии) за соответствие международным стандартам B2B площадки.
Компания Fit Holidays была оценена и награждена за выдающийся вклад в экономику Турции и самоотверженную работу. Компания занимает 6 место в сфере услуг туристических агентств. Вместе с Akay Travel (дочерней фирмой) Akay Group входит в первую пятерку компаний Турции в рейтинге туристических агентств.
Казахстанская международная выставка KITF проводится с 2001 года. Экспозиция является самой крупной профессиональной площадкой по туризму в Центральной Азии и главным событием туротрасли страны. Экспертами выставочной индустрии KITF присвоен знак качества UFI (Всемирная ассоциация выставочной индустрии) за соответствие международным стандартам B2B площадки.
Проведение в рамках KITF событий международного масштаба, таких как: подписание меморандумов, соглашений, программ межрегионального и приграничного сотрудничества между странами, а также республиканские совещания, пленарные заседания, роуд-шоу, семинары, презентации и другие отраслевые мероприятия, демонстрируют эффективность выставки для рынка туриндустрии Казахстана и Центральной Азии.
Ежегодная положительная динамика экспозиции KITF является индикатором рынка туристских услуг. За 20 лет проведения, в выставке приняли участие компании и организации из 63 стран мира. Именно здесь международные и локальные компании оценивают потребность рынка и интерес потребителя, изучают конкурентную среду, находят новые действующие инструменты повышения прибыли, выстраивают стратегию дальнейшей работы.
Akay Group of Companies on its 50th anniversary of establishment has been given 2 important awards by Turkey Exporters Assembly in the category of travel agencies. Out of over 11.000 agencies, Akay Group has entered into top 5 with both awards with Akay Travel Service being 5th and Fit Holidays being 4th.
Regarding the 50th anniversary, Chairman of Akay Group Mr. Ibrahim Ethem Okudur made below announcement ;
“2022 is the 50th anniversary of the establishment of our company, Akay Travel Service. This is half a century and I myself have been living each period of this time,like movie of my life. Excitement, anxiety, hardwork and pride. Today we have brought our company into Top10 of most number of tourist bringing incoming company out of over 11,000 travel agencies in our sector in Turkey.Numerous number of awards have been given by industry organizations and providers. And our esteemed partners, while we were overcoming these milestones together, every difficulty we have experienced has been instrumental in the development of our relations and it has been possible to achieve common success in this way. I am most grateful to our faithful employees who carried us today and to this success. Have a delighted New Year !”
Хотим поделиться с Вами информацией, о том что наша компания выполнила все необходимые требования по соблюдению санитарно-гигиенических мер, применяемых в отношении транспортных средств по перевозке туристов и получила «Сертификат Безопасного Туризма». Официальный сайт, на котором отслеживается информация по сертификации транспортных средств, представлен в ссылке ниже.
Мы заботимся об отдыхе своих туристов, соблюдая высокие стандарты качества и гигиены.
Statement made by Fit Holidays announced that exclusivity has been made with Kompas Travel which is one of the highest volume making operators in Kazakhistan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan.
From now on Fit Holidays and Kompas Travel will work exclusively and Fit Holidays will take over all the ground handling of Kompas in Antalya.
Launching had been made in Almaty regarding this agreement. Director of Board of Fit Holidays, Ethem Okudur has stated that “From 2020 to 2025 Fit Holidays will exclusively will be in charge of in all Antalya operations”
Mr. Okudur also pointed “Multiple partner business model is not efficient on every destination and with proven trust, exclusivity will easen and fasten the way to reach their goals and reach healthier growth. Mr. Okudur mentioned that as Akay Group of Companies they are expecting 500.000 passenger to Antalya in 2019.
Over 600 agencies have attended to launching in Almaty.
Awards 2016 |
Dear Valuable Colleagues,
POYD is the Professional Hotel Management Association, consist of Owner, Chairman or the General Managers of top respectable Hotels in Turkey.
Ever year Quality Management awards are given to Travel sectors best service providers by this association. Qualifications of QM Awards are ; QUALITY, our age understand realities, which institutionalized and have come a considerable distance in the branding process of the hotel groups and investors, tour operators, incoming agencies, individuals, and private enterprises to appreciate and encourage.
Our company AKAY TRAVEL SERVICE was nominated for 2 awards on 2016 again ; “ Best destination management for Balkan & Baltic markets” & “ Best Tour Operator in Middle East”, we are proud to inform that we’ve been given both.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our partners,colleagues for their supports. .
Yours Sincerely,
Ethem Okudur
G. Manager
Awards 2015 |
Dear Valuable Colleagues,
POYD is the Professional Hotel Management Association, consist of Owner, Chairman or the General Managers of top respectable Hotels in Turkey.
Ever year Quality Management awards are given to Travel sectors best service providers by this association. Qualifications of QM Awards are ; QUALITY, our age understand realities, which institutionalized and have come a considerable distance in the branding process of the hotel groups and investors, tour operators, incoming agencies, individuals, and private enterprises to appreciate and encourage.
Our company AKAY TRAVEL SERVICE was nominated for 2 awards on 2015 again ; “ Best destination management for Balkan & Baltic markets” & “ Best Tour Operator in Middle East”, we are proud to inform that we’ve been given both.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our partners,colleagues for their supports. .
Yours Sincerely,
Ethem Okudur
G. Manager
Dear Valuable Colleagues,
Professional Hotels Management Association consist of Owner, Chairman or the General Managers of top respectable Hotels in Turkey. As per every year they have Quality Management contestants and our company AKAY TRAVEL SERVICE was nominated for 2 awards ; “ Best destination management for Balkan & Baltic markets” & “ Best Tour Operator in Middle East”, we are proud to inform that we’ve been given both.
Yours Sincerely |
You can view an electronic version of our printed catalog online. It will be a good guide for your holidays.
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